Thunder A Good Little Horse is a delightful story for children written by Andrea Berglund.  The book contains 19 color illustrations of an adventurous Miniature Horse drawn in the medium of colored pencils.  To see all the drawings of Thunder and find out his adventures of the day, the book can be purchased from the author, Andrea Berglund.

$15.00 plus $ 1.73 s/h

Includes signatures of author and Thunder. 

Andrea Berglund

32253 East Happy Jack Trail

BCC, AZ  85324




Or go to... 

Barnes and

The Historical Sketchbook of the Miniature Horse

is a book, 8.5” x 11”, containing fifty black/white outline drawings of the small horse in its historical settings from the first known miniatures up until the present day.  The pictures are purposely drawn in outline to encourage the child reader to be creative and color the pictures as he or she learns about the small horse and how it came to be.

Limited supply

$7.00 plus $3.00 s/h

Make payment to Jan Garbero


The Art of Jan Chandler Garbero

 COPYRIGHT  2010   Phoenix, AZ           JAN GARBERO             ARTWITH IMPACT                        Email: